3 Morning Rituals to Soothe Your Soul

A simple morning routine/ritual can help you feel happier, more awake, feel more alive & be more in-tune with what’s important in life.

The very first thing you do when you wake up is to realize, “Today is a gift!”

My husband Neil & I lost our 1st spouses at a young age with young children. I personally grew “tremendously” through that circumstance BUT one thing that left a huge impression on my heart, is that, NONE of us knows what tomorrow will bring! Don’t take today for granted - it’s all you’ve got!

3 Morning Rituals:

  1. Take time to be with yourself

    • Don’t reach for the phone - try to make space for yourself.

    • Create a schedule: Brush your teeth, make the bed, have some coffee or tea, listen to the morning sounds, soothing music or be in silence, think happy thoughts, journal, read, meditate, pray - do something that feeds your heart & soul.

    • Make the most of this time - refresh yourself before you show up for everyone else. This is your time but don’t feel the pressure that you need a lot of time - just give yourself a few moments.

  2. Take time to smile & be grateful

    • A good morning smile holds the power to transform everything. Smiling actually connects you to realizing you have a new opportunity to be grateful for another day, no matter what the day holds. Don’t let your circumstances control your attitude - Allow your heart & intentions to control your attitude towards your circumstances.

    • Take a moment to think or journal 3 things you are grateful for. Think of things that you might take for granted. This allows you to realize you have so many blessings!

    • Taking time to smile & being grateful is an act of self-care, courage & hope. Doing these two things over time may surprise you on the positive effect it has. Be intentional to infuse your morning with more gratitude & positivity and see what happens.

  3. Take time to stretch or exercise

    • A light stretch or exercise can get the blood moving to relieve tension, improve flexibility and ease anxious tendencies.

    • Be intentional knowing that stretching or exercise is a physical reminder that you can make space within yourself to enjoy more, love more, feel more & give more.

    • Take care of your body - think positively about yourself & know you are stronger than you feel!

Whether you already have a morning routine or need to start - take a moment to think if there is anything you need to add or create so that your day starts off feeding your heart & soul, so you can show up for others!

Angela Wilson

I am a daughter, mother of five, grandma, friend, and mentor. I’ve struggled through difficult storms in life & I have walked through great victories. I know the difficulty of living in the present moment, letting go of the past, and not worrying about the future. I’ve struggled with embracing my flaws, comparing, and feeling like I fit in. It’s through my own struggles & insecurities that I have grown & become who I am. My heart & passion is to help empower women to live with confidence & authenticity that fits their style, whether it’s through make-up, fashion or setting intentions for the real changes we all desire. I have spent time listening to women’s hearts from all walks of life. Through these years of compassionate listening I have gained insight to help women embrace their true self by living each day with intentions, confidence & contentment. I know we all struggle with comparing ourselves, enjoying each moment without rushing & feeling confident in our own beauty. Because of these experiences & walking along the path of others it is my heart’s desire to walk alongside you.


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Your day is a reaction to your mindset